Never been ordinary
Well today's blog is a much needed Kudos to me. I know. How boosie, what a big head I must have to just write about myself? You got that right. I have a big head. A well deserved can barely fit through doors kind of head. Hey, if I can't write about it in a blog where can I say it. Besides, this site is all about me. What a perfect name - It's all about me. Today I am giving myself a pat on the back because I deserve it. Shoot, if I don't - who will? Who else should? We are constantly looking to others for recognition of our own achievements. Who can really know how much sweat or hard work I put into something. Or how many personal challenges or obstacles I have over come to get where I am. My life has been a pile of cow dung. The kind of stuff you see in Jerry. The kind of childhood that that the CAS doesn't like to hear about. But I am not complaining. Each one of those challenges is a blessing like the next. If you don't know hard you can't enjoy easy and if you didn't have to struggle than you can't appreciate success. I am writing this today because ironically enough I had a pretty blah weekend. Just getting over a cold so all too much time to think and ponder over the 'what ifs' of life. On top of that I got a huge speeding on the way to work today - what a way to start the week?! Arghhh. But God - or energy (however you choose to look at it) has a funny way of sending messages. I know I didn't deserve a speeding ticket. I have no bad Karma due my way (well okay there was that time - no never mind I have made up for that with good behaviour lol). ahh hah that was worlds way of saying slow down womyn. Take the time to see who you are and what you have accomplished. Take the time to reflect and say thank you to yourself. Today when I came to work one of the side ventures that I work on was featured in The Toronto Sun - it was a nice feature for us. Reviewing this article while on line made me think about all of the other on line features that I was involved with. I barely remember all of the things that I have done. I used to have a very active political and activist life. It was refreshing to reflect on all of the good that I had contributed to in the past. I have been tired for a while and a bit off balance with dealing with some new adult hood issues - okay yeah relationships (pretty much) but I am working on keeping that focus and keeping my head on straight to get back on top of things. The point of all of this is to remember what you have done that is great and that we are all capable of greatness. Strive for it and obtain it. Today I write this to say thanks you to me for be an extraordinary person and you should too...