It's all about me...

I am new to blogging so I am just writing whatever comes to mind. Some areas in which I am particularly focused on sharing include my perspective and relationships and social and political issues and of course I will comment on other blogs that sparks issues that are of interest.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Partying in Toronto

I felt the need to post a comment on someones blog on Warner parties. I typed so long I said wow I really should share this issue with others. Let me know what you think:

Thank you for the forum to comment on Warner jams. I personally can't stand them. I consider myself a very serious party girl but I have never enjoyed the vibe at these jams. Never mind that I am not paying that kind of money for a regular club. And yes I put Studio into this category and even Chocolate Lounge is similar. The last time I went to this so called 'up scale' club we got pepper sprayed. Can you imagine? And when I called the next day to ask what kind of poison they were responsible for having me ingest they told me they couldn't tell me but I need to understand that sometimes this happens at black parties but I could have a free dinner. Did they really think I would ever go back? And that's what happens? Nice perspective. It really saddens me because it's like we can't have a classy affair? And Warner jams - if they work for you that's great but I don't need to see 'bashy trashy' (yes me and my girls have some made up terms) and snobby haters sew some paper towel together and call it a dress. And all that hard work just to come and pose with a screw face?! No thanks, I go out to have fun. And speaking of made up words: the men at Warner jams (not all but some) fall into our definition of 'trickery' - that is to put on sunglasses and/or a hat and dress nice but look good from far but far from good. You with me? I don't go through this when trying to go somewhere nice in Boston, NYC or Florida. T. we have to pick it up. Don't worry there is hope. I went to the urban music awards about a month ago and afterwards I went to the Little X party. It was nice. Lot's of beautiful people - womyn hotter than me for sure and the vibe was nice. Actually classy, stylish and a good vibe. I will be going to Kardinals xmas party tomorrow night at Indian Motorcyle so I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, December 10, 2004

And here we are...

First of all I have to say thank you to my girl who encouraged me to check out this business of blogging. Check out her blog at urbansista. Like my girl I am using this forum to exhale once and a while and start putting out my ideas that I am working on. Some of these ideas will just stay in these pages but some of them with help me move forward wtih some great business initiatives and professional and personal growth. I am hoping that some of these pages may even inspire other people to be happy, motivated and enjoy the many blessings life has to offer. Anyway, that's my rant of the day - I hope you enjoy...